Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get the Chlorine Out with Whole-house Filtration

There are a few reasons why we like whole-house water filtration systems, not the least of which is the value of removing chlorine from the water supply at every outlet in the home.

Chlorine is a fact of life in municipal water, and while it might be an important step in removing dangerous pathogens from the general water supply, it turns out it’s not something you want to take in on a regular basis once that water gets to your home. Studies have linked increased cancer rates to drinking chlorinated water, and there are other health concerns as well. (See links at the bottom of this post for more info.)

Drinking chlorinated water is not the only thing to consider. Over 60% of the chlorine and other impurities that you take in from your water come through your skin while bathing or showering. During showering your lungs are rapidly absorbing the chlorine as well.

The Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA), the primary water wholesaler for Sonoma and Marin counties, adds chlorine as a disinfectant and also pH balances the water*. The water companies that receive the wholesale water from SCWA may or may not do additional things to treat the water before they deliver it to their customers. Check with your supplier if you want to know specifics (some links below).

Another concern with treated water are the byproducts of disinfection. Disinfection byproducts are compounds that form when chlorine or bromine disinfectants mix with naturally occurring organic material in the water.

The disinfection byproducts that occur most frequently are trihalomethanes or THMs. According to the EPA, "Some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of EPA's standard over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous systems, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer." According to the Valley of the Moon Water District (a major water supplier in Sonoma Valley), "The federal standard for THMs is 80 ug/L (micrograms per liter, or parts per billion), while the THM count in VOMWD's water averages 17 ug/L."

So that's a good thing - that these chemicals are regulated and that VOMWD water falls well below the allowable limit, although given what we do know about these substances many people still choose to limit their exposure as much as possible by filtering their water prior to consumption.

You can avoid the chemicals used to disinfect municipal water to some extent with a point-of-use filter at the sink, but a whole-house system will cover the water in the bath, shower, and icemaker line.

We like to Flow-Tech Home's whole-house water treatment system. Flow-Tech Home provides a green, maintenance-free alternative to traditional water softeners that stops scale from forming, protects pipes and fixtures, reduces soap needs and makes water-using appliances operate more efficiently.

Added filtration removes particulates down to .5 microns, or optionally .015 microns, without the water waste associated with reverse osmosis systems. Instead, bad taste, odors and chemicals are removed with carbon filtration. And because it filters at the point of entry, every outlet in your home delivers clean sweet water.

It's not flow dependent and so it's working 24/7. And what we really like is that it prevents calcium and magnesium from sticking to your fixtures by altering the ions in the water - rather than exchanging them for sodium like traditional water softeners. The beneficial minerals stay suspended in your drinking water and travel harmlessly along without adhering to pipes and appliances.

So think about it. If you have questions, give us a call. We'd be glad to swing by your house for a complimentary evaluation. Just call us here at Boden Plumbing: 707-996-8683 in Sonoma or 707-255-8155 in Napa, or use our toll-free number from anywhere 1-866-663-7477.

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