Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Non-Toxic Home Cleaning Alternatives

Home cleaning supplies can be some of the most toxic and caustic materials around. Read a warning label on any of the products stashed under your kitchen sink or in the utility closet if you don't believe us.

Keeping surfaces clean and drain lines clear is important, but we don't think that should come at the expense of your family's health, the life of your septic tank and plumbing fittings, or a healthy environment - especially since there are non-toxic alternatives.

Used properly (that is, according to any warnings and cautions on the side panel) any of the chemicals approved for retail sale can be used safely - and are formulated to be effective. But to to get your home really clean - without all the toxic leave behinds, why not try making your own non-toxic cleaners?

Below are some basic recipes for non-toxic alternatives that you can make easily from just a few basic ingredients that might already be in your kitchen or laundry room. You'll probably even find these simple home made cleaners are cheaper than the proprietary stuff you've been using.

Five basic ingredients are all you need for many safe home cleaning solutions:

  1. Baking Soda: Cleans and deodorizes, softens water to increase sudsing and cleaning power of soap and is a good scouring powder.

  2. Borax: Cleans and deodorizes, softens water and is an excellent disinfectant. You can find borax in the laundry section of the grocery store.

  3. Soap: Biodegrades safely and completely and is non-toxic. Readily available in grocery stores and health food stores. Sold as liquid, flakes, powder or in bars. Bars can be grated to dissolve more easily in hot water. Only choose soaps without synthetic scents, colors or other additives - like Dr. Bronner's or Kirks castile soaps.

  4. Washing Soda: Cuts grease and removes stains, disinfects and softens water. Washing soda, also known as sodium carbonate, is available in laundry section of grocery store or in pure form from a chemical supply business or sometimes a home improvement store.

  5. White Vinegar or Lemon Juice: Cuts grease and freshens.
A few other things that are good to have on hand in some quantity are salt (if you don't want to empty the salt shaker to do a little scouring), hydrogen peroxide and plain rubbing alcohol. All good clean things that help to clean and disinfect without leaving toxic residues behind.

Simple Recipes for Non-toxic Home Cleaning Alternatives

Mix together:
1 tsp. liquid soap (castile, peppermint)
1 tsp. borax
Squeeze of lemon
1 qt. warm water
¼ c. baking soda
½ c. borax
½ c. vinegar
1 gal. water

For surfaces that need scouring, try moist salt or baking soda and a green scouring pad.

Mix together:
¼ c. borax
½ gal. hot water

Pour together: ½ c. borax in drain followed by
2 c. boiling water
¼ c baking soda down the drain, followed by
½ c. vinegar
Cover drain and let sit for 15 minutes. Follow with 2 qts. boiling water.
Use a plumber's "snake" and boiling water.

Pour: ¼ c. baking soda into bowl and drizzle with vinegar.
Let sit for ½ hour. Scrub and flush. Add borax for stains.

Mix together: ¼ c. vinegar
1 gal. warm water

Mix together: ½ c. baking soda
2-3 tbsp. liquid soap (castile, peppermint)

Dissolve together: ½ c, vinegar
½ c. borax in warm water.
Apply with sponge or spray bottle.

Grind ice and lemon or orange juice in the disposal.

For more non-toxic home cleaning tips and recipes, visit


Here at Boden Plumbing we've also promoted BioSmart drain treatment for awhile now. It's a natural biological drain line, septic, and grease trap maintainer that contains no harmful chemicals. Instead it keeps drain systems clean and free flowing by unleashing naturally-occurring bacteria that thrive on the grease, oil, and stubborn organics found in every wastewater system.

Pretty cool stuff really - and a good addition to your non-toxic cleaning and home maintenance toolkit. Call the office for more information (707-996-8683), ask your service tech next time he visits, or read more about BioSmart here on the nodrips blog.

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