Friday, November 09, 2007

Dogs Love Clean Water Too

Let's face it. Bottled water tastes better than tap water. Yet it feels silly to spend all that money for water at the store when it's virtually free from the kitchen tap.

Why not treat your own water instead? You can... automatically, efficiently, inexpensively.

Think about it. Public water systems are regularly tested and most tap water is safe. Yet "most" is not "all."

According to the University of Missouri, "55,000 of 61,000 public water facilities in the United States meet the standards mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act." What about the other 6,000?

Even properly treated water can become contaminated in the journey from the treatment plant to your tap.

And what about the chlorine? Chlorine is a fact of life in municipal water. While it may be an important step in removing dangerous pathogens from the general water supply, it’s not something you want to take in on a regular basis once that water gets to your home. Studies now link increased cancer rates to drinking chlorinated water. Filtering it from your drinking water at the kitchen tap goes part of the way, but did you know that over 60% of the chlorine and other impurities that you take in from your water comes through your skin while bathing or showering? Not to mention the fact that during showering your lungs are rapidly absorbing the chlorine as well.

Safety concerns aside, installing a water filtration system in your home makes sense.

Do away with the majority of those plastic bottles and get all of the bottled water you need for pennies. Use it in cooking, water the plants with it, and even give it to your dog. Why not? The price of clean fresh water that you know has been run through a trusted system will no longer be a concern.

At Boden Plumbing we really like the Nature's Miracle™ whole-house system. It uses a three part filtration system. Granular activated carbon acts as a chemical sponge, while a kinetic degradation fluxion component removes chlorine and heavy metals and acts as a certified bacteriastat. Finally, a quartz bed assures a high flow rate through the system. A really nice feature is that maintenance is absolutely minimal - there are no cartridges or membranes to replace. Plus with a whole-house system, the benefits of clear, clean water are delivered to every faucet in the home.

We can help you find a method that best suits your objectives and your budget. If you want to learn more, call us at 707 996 8683. There is also some good info on our main website.

Your dog will thank you for it!

:: This dog's person got him filtered water! YouTube video clip

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