Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Reminder: The Sonoma County Direct Install Program is Back

The Direct Install Program is back. Sonoma County is once again paying customers of select sewer districts to have their old-style non low-flow toilets changed out for the latest water efficient models.

This is not a rebate program. You are not required to pay any money up front for the toilet, seat, new angle stop or the standard installation. It is important to note, however, if there are any associated repairs or upgrades necessary when changing out your toilet, there could be charges not covered by the County.

But don't let that discourage you from getting your name on the list. Our experience during the first incarnation of the program (and we installed several hundred toilets as part of the County program) was that extra repairs were rarely needed.

So bottom line -- if you qualify -- you will be able to change out your non low-flow toilet fixtures at no charge, or certainly for significantly less money than you would normally have to spend. Trust us - this is an excellent opportunity.

The County is handling things a little differently this time. Instead of just making an appointment with us (or any of the other participating plumbers), you need to go ahead and sign up with the County. Once they get you signed up and queued up (they plan to fund a limited number per month), you can give us a call and we'll change out whatever antique thing you've got for a brand spanking new state-of-the-art water-saving wonder.

Visit the Sonoma County Water Agency Direct Install web page for more information and to get your name on the list.

1 comment:

jinnat aman said...

Great valuable tips! Thanks

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