Wednesday, September 07, 2011

September is National Preparedness Month: Are You Ready for an Emergency?

The recent earthquake on the East Coast, followed by the first couple of big storms of the season, hopefully has reminded everyone that it's important to be prepared for emergencies. And it's not only the natural disasters that can disrupt services and catch us off guard, this week also marks the anniversaries of the San Bruno pipeline explosion here in the Bay Area and the 9/11 attacks ten years ago.

With the memories of these events fresh in our minds, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has declared September National Preparedness Month (NPM) and the perfect opportunity for everyone to take stock of their ability to respond if the unexpected happens.

Here in California, the most common risks are from earthquakes, wildfires, extreme heat and flooding. It's perhaps not so easy to anticipate havoc from human-caused disasters, but being prepared for the likely disruption of basic services and possible injury and isolation is basically the same, and simple steps can be taken now to mitigate dangers later.

  1. Get a kit together: Keep enough emergency supplies on hand for you and those in your care - water, non-perishable food, first aid, prescriptions, flashlight, battery-powered radio. For a complete checklist, visit

  2. Make a plan: Discuss, agree on, and document an emergency plan with those in your care. Work together with neighbors, colleagues and others to help build community resilience.

  3. Be informed: Free information is available to assist you from government resources.
One thing we recommend to our customers is an automatic gas shut-off valve. (see: Reduce the Danger of a Gas-Line Fire to Your House on this blog) It is important to know where all of your shut-offs are anyway (see In Case of a Plumbing Emergency...), but gas line leaks in particular pose a serious threat after an earthquake when you might not be home - or able - to get the gas supply shut off. It is also very important that your water heater is secured to the wall and floor.

If you have any questions about how Boden Plumbing can help you get ready for an emergency, just give us a call. We're here to help.

Napa: 707-255-8155 / Sonoma: 707-996-8683

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