Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Over or Under? That is the Question.

And apparently 'over' is the answer.

We've never come across such a compelling and well-reasoned explanation for why draping the end of the toilet paper over the top of the roll is good and letting it hang over the back of the roll is the wrong way around. Check out the full report here on There are diagrams and everything.

The question of how to hang the toilet paper is one that has split almost more families than the War Between the States. Crazy really, because it must be one of the dumbest things to argue about on the planet, but bathroom etiquette and tradition is Big. Read more about it here on if you don't believe us.

We're going to stir the 'other' proverbial pot here and come down on the side of over - while acknowledging there may be reasons to depart from what is correct and go for under. Reasons that involve cats and kids and eccentric tear-off methods, arguably valid in special circumstances but not in the official manual so to speak.

So...can we say it's settled then? ;-)

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