Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shaken but not Stirred?

(Photo credit: USGS)
Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake October 17, 1989. San Francisco. An automobile lies crushed under the third story of this apartment building in the Marina District. The ground levels are no longer visible because of structural failure and sinking due to liquefaction.

We started gathering info for this post before news of China's devastating quake hit the wire on Monday. We thought maybe everyone could use a little reminder that earthquakes are a fact of life in California, and that it's important to be prepared. We've all been doubly reminded now.

If you're like an awful lot of people, you are not ready for a major earthquake. Even though many of us experienced the Loma Prieta quake in 1989, we don't have our emergency stash of water, tinned food, and batteries. We haven't gotten around to formulating a little plan for checking in with family and neighbors. And we haven't had a gas shut-off valve installed on our home or business.

We've been shaken any number of times, but still not stirred to action.

Take the latest reminder as the last one you need to improve your preparedness. Reports from the U.S. Geological Survey indicate that there is no question that the Bay Area will have a major earthquake at some point during the next thirty years. (See Senator Boxer's newsletter for details.) It may not be tomorrow - but it could be. Don't be lulled into inaction by the 30-year window, because for every day the big one doesn't come, its inevitability is underscored.

We are fortunate in that construction improvements over the years and mandated engineering safeguards mean that structural failures are less likely than they once were. Fires fed by ruptured gas lines remain a big concern, however. To minimize the danger from fire at your home, have a gas shut-off valve installed. It's a simple install and a reasonable expense, especially considering the benefits gained.

Questions? Need more info? Call us here at the office, we'd be glad to pass on what we know - or come out and take a look at the set-up at your house and recommend the valve that would work best for you. We're here, give us a call: 996 8683.

:: Senator Boxer's newsletter
:: FEMA recommendations


Boden Plumbing primarily serves Sonoma Valley, Napa Valley, and the Petaluma area. We provide a full range of residential plumbing repairs and services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha when i read this title i thot u were gonna talk about a new james bond movie or something like that @_@

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