To be filed under the Truly Trivial category:It must be the heat. (It couldn't be the humidity.) What else explains why we became preoccupied with the question: Why White House Plumbers?
It seems obvious once you know the answer (and it's given away in the title for this post), but it turns out the White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, were a covert Special Investigations Unit established on July 24, 1971 during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Its task was to stop the leaking of classified information to the news media, hence the code name Plumbers. Its members subsequently branched out into various nefarious activities, including the Watergate break-ins, as operatives for the Committee to Re-elect the President.
So there you go. In case you didn't know. Don't know how good those guys were at really stopping leaks, but they caused quite a scandal trying. And we're betting they don't know squat about real plumbing. For that, you better call us - Boden Plumbing. We'll put a stop to your leaks - strictly on the up-and-up.
White House Plumbers on wikipedia
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Nixon Was Living With a Drip
Posted by The Team at Boden 0 comments
Labels: plumbing trivia
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Reduce the Danger of a Gas Line Fire to Your House
As if the San Bruno fire earlier this month wasn't reminder enough about the danger of natural gas line fires, the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake is coming up in October: Twenty-one years since the most recent 'Big One' in the Bay Area.
PG&E is working to stay on top of the repairs they need to make to vulnerable gas lines, and hopefully the odds of the kind of disaster that hit San Bruno will be minimized. What can't be avoided are earthquakes, and as long as there are earthquakes, the concern over ruptured gas lines remains.
You can help to protect your home and family from fire in the event of a gas line rupture in two ways:
- Know where your gas shut-off is and how to turn the gas off.
- Have an earthquake shut-off valve installed.
Besides structural failures, fire from ruptured gas lines is probably the biggest danger during earthquakes. An earthquake valve - or gas shut-off valve - can greatly reduce that danger. So much, in fact, that many insurance companies now require them before writing new policies.
The valve is installed outside on your gas line, near where the line enters your home, and it's on duty whether you're home or not. Triggered automatically by the shaking during an earthquake, the shut-off valve quickly cuts off the supply of gas to the building. The cost of installation varies depending on conditions at your particular property and there are a couple of options to choose from, but it's a pretty straightforward procedure.
Call us with any questions - we'd be happy to give you an estimate. You can reach us at ( 707) 996-8683 or e-mail us at
Be ready for the next one.
Posted by The Team at Boden 1 comments
Labels: earthquake valve
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
When You Think Sustainability, Do You Think Water?
Carbon, dollars, fuel and food are big topics of conversation these days when it comes to sustainability. What seems to get pushed down on the list, however is a resource few in California (or anywhere else for that matter) can really afford to forget - and that is fresh water.
Piping or otherwise transporting it from great distances is expensive or downright cost prohibitive, so we rely on relatively local sources. Sure, LA pipes water all the way from up north and San Francisco gets water from the Sierra, but that's pretty much as far as the tether stretches and those sources are pretty much tapped out. Plus, just try floating the idea in Sacramento of another canal or pipeline or whatever. Ain't gonna fly these days.
So water and sustainability are really an inseparable pair, even if we often forget. Or get distracted.
In the Sonoma and Napa areas there's usually a lot of talk about water conservation at the beginning of summer or during prolonged droughts. We think it's important to make water conservation an everyday consideration. We use it everyday - using it wisely every time we turn on the tap needs to become a habit.
And it can - with just a little added attention and an eye towards sustainability.
• Create a personal water management philosophy
• Identify high consumption activities
(showers, watering lawn, washing clothes and dishes, etc.)
• Identify and practice water conservation actions
• Install water efficient equipment and fixtures
Want to connect with others interested in local sustainability issues and efforts?
:: Green Drinks Sonoma
:: Transition Sonoma Valley
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Posted by The Team at Boden 0 comments
Labels: green plumbing, water saving
Thursday, September 09, 2010
When does it pay to buy your own parts?
Big Box stores and the internet put a lot of parts and fixtures within easy reach of homeowners. It's convenient to shop and choose for yourself, and so often it seems much cheaper to go ahead and buy your own parts rather than pay what the plumber charges.
It is convenient but whether or not it's actually less expensive is something to consider.
First, not all brands are the same. Here at Boden Plumbing we've got a lot of collective experience. We know what works and what holds up over time. Even if you want to shop for yourself, it pays to give us a call and ask us what to look for.
Secondly, you've got to watch serial numbers. Many of the fixtures you find in the Big Box stores might have the brand name you're looking for on the box and might look just like what you found on the internet but are in fact special versions manufactured specifically for the discount retailer. Check the serial numbers: compare the one given on the manufacturer's website to the one on the box in the store. It's not uncommon for metal parts and fittings to be replaced by plastic to meet the less expensive price point required by the retailer.
At Boden Plumbing we use top quality fixtures and parts ordered either direct from the manufacturer or from our plumbing supply houses. They might not be the cheapest stuff around but we have confidence is what we use. We have to - because we guarantee them, which is also why you might pay a little more for parts supplied by your plumber. Supply your own parts and you're on your own in that department.
So consider your options. There are the time and experience factors, but if you have the time and know what you're looking for, it is possible to save some money by buying your own parts. And everyone agrees it's good to save money when you can these days.
Call us for advice - call us for the repair. We're here to help. 996-8683
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Posted by The Team at Boden 0 comments
Labels: DIY plumbing tips