Friday, May 21, 2010

Mysterious Water Leak Problem Pinned on Unlikely Source

When is a plumbing problem not a plumbing problem? Well, you can't always be sure!

This is too funny not to share.

Before you watch the video, here's the background:

Jennifer and Jim kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage. But no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continued. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems: first the water meter, then outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc. -- all to no avail!

One day Jim was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally tore himself from his bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of their high water bills. Apparently this was happening everyday and all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he taped a segment of the 'problem' as evidence.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Positively Innovative Sink Reduces Water Use, Simplifies Greywater

Just when you thought people may have thought of everything, Environmental Designworks has come out with something that's pretty ingenious. They call it SinkPositive, and it's a retrofit to your existing toilet. It replaces the tank lid and uses the water coming in to fill the bowl after flushing for handwashing.

SinkPositive saves beaucoup gallons of water and ensures potable water isn't wasted on flushing. Yeah, pretty ingenious.

The faucet is motion activated and runs until the bowl has refilled. The small amount of soap used for hand washing doesn't interfere with toilet function - and may actually serve to freshen the bowl a bit. Check out the video below for more about how the new gizmo installs and operates.

YouTube video: SinkPostive and Maximized Water Use

We haven't seen a SinkPositive in action ourselves yet, but it is good to know people keep thinking outside the box when it comes to efficient use of water. That we know we can get behind.

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