Friday, September 26, 2008

Boden Recommends: A Hot Water Recirc Pump

Are you running the tap waiting for the hot water to arrive? We know - it's inconvenient, not to mention a waste of both water and money. But what are ya' gonna do?

Well, a hot water recirculation pump could be just the ticket.

With a recirculation pump, water temperature is maintained in the line when you need it most. At Boden Plumbing, we like the Grundfos Comfort System. Installation of the unit is straightforward and it's easy to maintain. The pump attaches to your hot water heater and a small return valve is unobtrusively installed on the furthest faucet in the home. Since the existing lines are used, there's no added expense for additional lines. Then a timer keeps that hot water circulating in the pipes just when you need it most - saving time, energy and water. In fact, Grundfos estimates that in a typical household as much as 16,000 gallons of water can be saved per year with their system.

Think about it. You may not run the hot water all day long while the family is away from home at work and school. During that time, heated water lays in the line cooling off. Then when you do get home - or up in the morning - and need the hot water, all that unused and now tepid water needs to be run through the line - and down the drain - before fresh hot water reaches the faucet. It's goofy.

So why not take another step in reducing unnecessary water use and improving energy efficiency by having a hot water recirc pump installed at your home? We think you'll be glad you did.

If you'd like more information, call the shop. Or log onto the Grundfos site to learn more.

:: PG&E energy calculators

Boden Plumbing primarily serves Sonoma Valley, Napa Valley, and the Petaluma area. We provide a full range of residential plumbing repairs and services.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friends will be Envious...Dogs will be Sorry...

Garbage disposals - what a great invention, huh? This vintage 1951 General Electric advertisement expresses all the optimism that heralded this great invention - the out-of-sight out-of-mind machine! "Friends will be envious, dogs will be sorry and germ carrying flies will be discouraged."

Garbage disposals are a wonderful convenience (if it's not possible to keep a compost pile at your house), but you do have to be aware that not everything should be stuffed down one.

Never put fibrous foods like celery, corn husks, potato and onion skins, artichoke leaves or asparagus ends in the disposal.

And then there are egg shells. Technically they're not really a problem for the disposal. When they can cause a problem, however, is once they get down in the sewer pipe and combine with grease to form clogs. This can especially be a problem if your system is prone to clogs.

So when grinding eggshells, make it just a few at a time and wash the bits down the drain with plenty of water - and no grease. When you do send grease down the line, make sure you chase it with cold water, which will help to break up and solidify the grease.

Actually, no matter what you're grinding in the disposal, always run a strong flow of cold water through it whenever it's in use, and then for at least 20 seconds after turning it off.

Over time, a film of scum can form in the grinding chamber, causing an unpleasant odor. To freshen your disposal, grind a half lemon or lime while running cold water. Citrus is a natural cleanser. A sprinkling of baking soda will also help to dispel odors. Most important, when it comes to keeping your disposal clean and odor-free, never let food sit in the disposal without running it.

Another tip: Periodically run ice cubes through your disposal. This helps to sharpen and clean the blades.

And one last tip: Never use a liquid drain opener in a clogged disposal. If you do get a jam up, use tongs, pliers or a plunger to remove obstructions.

Boden Plumbing primarily serves Sonoma Valley, Napa Valley, and the Petaluma area. We provide a full range of residential plumbing repairs and services.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In Case of a Plumbing Emergency...

In case of a plumbing emergency... No, don't scream. Remain calm if possible, and just head for the appropriate shut-off.

You do know where your shut-offs are, don't you?

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to home maintenance is to prepare for a possible plumbing emergency by locating and identifying all the water shut-offs for the house - before a problem arises.

Take the time to take the tour. Armed with a flashlight, masking tape and a magic marker go through the house with anyone who may also have a need to know and identify and mark the main valves. Test them while you're at it to make sure they turn on and off easily without developing a leak. Then you'll be ready (knock on wood) should a pipe spring a leak.

First stop: main water shut-off. The main water shut-off is usually on the pipe as it exits the house on the street side - or under the house in the basement or crawl space. Go ahead and label it "MAIN H2O."

Next stop: water heater. If you do turn off the main valve, a gas hot water tank must be turned down as low as possible. Yours might have a "vacation" setting on the face of the tank. If so, go ahead and set it to vacation. An electric hot water tank can be shut off at the electrical panel. Label it on the panel to help locate the correct switch in a panic. If you have a hot water heating system, check that the boiler has enough water in it to keep from running dry.

Then head for to the kitchen, where you'll want to identify the hot and cold water shut-offs under the sink. Bathrooms also have valves for the sink, as well as the toilet. Look under the fixtures for them. Then there will be a shut-off for the tub/shower, perhaps in a closet on the other side of the wall or possibly under the house or in the basement.

Make sure you label the valves for the washing machine, dishwasher, ice maker, water softener, hot tub - or any other fixture with a water supply. You might be surprised how many there are once you start. Just as long as you're not surprised in an emergency...

When all else fails or time is of the essence, just head for the main shut-off for the house. Hopefully it's easy enough to get to - and you know just where it is.

Questions? Don't hesitate to call us here at Boden Plumbing (707 996 8683) or send an e-mail if you prefer. We're glad to help.

:: Water Heater Breakdown
:: Whole House Water Shut Off

Boden Plumbing primarily serves Sonoma Valley, Napa Valley, and the Petaluma area. We provide a full range of residential plumbing repairs and services.

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